Newest Inspiration

Little Nippers – Get your Bite on!

The Little Nippers are flying again, terrorizing your heroes like little dragons should, either as formidable airborne foes or unique rides to help them go places. This set comes with…

Oracle of Dragon Teeth

Reach into your pocket and grab a hand full of dragon teeth! Either to impress your friends with your accomplishments hunting the beasts, or to predict the future with a…
Papercraft Inspiration

Oracle of Dragon Teeth

Reach into your pocket and grab a hand full of dragon teeth! Either to impress your friends with your accomplishments hunting the beasts, or to predict the future with a…

Little Nippers – Get your Bite on!

The Little Nippers are flying again, terrorizing your heroes like little dragons should, either as formidable airborne foes or unique rides to help them go places. This set comes with…

Datadiscs – Paper Toys

Inspired by a box for replacement blades for fabric cutters I designed a set of paper discs that would fit that box. You can use them as data discs for…
Roleplaying Inspiration
Medieval knights on battle field

War – Let’s kill a God #2

There are gods who go all out in terms of publicity. Temples, priests, miracles, anything to secure belief. Others do not need to bother. The nature of people ensures that…

Power Word Variations: Stun

Power Word Stun is another Power Word spell from D&D 5e, and it sure is an interesting one. There are three official power word spells (that I am aware of…
Voodoo doll,a doll used in witchcraft

Alternatives to Voodoo Dolls

I had this idea – voodoo dolls are a tired trope and not without problems. So, what are the alternatives? I decided to list some, but let it be known,…

Ground Rules – Let’s kill a God #0

When it comes to killing a god, all bets are off, right? While that might be the case for your particular “deicide”, I wanted to lay down some ground rules…

Aftermath of the Unfocussing of a God

Cosmic energies are plentiful, vast, and finite. Unraveling a focal point, aka killing a god, can free up a large amount of energy, leaving it unclaimed in the cosmos. There…

Power Word Variations: Pain

Power Word Pain is yet another Power Word spell from D&D 5e, and it, too, is an interesting one. There are three official power word spells (that I am aware…

This is me!

I am Dominic (on the right) and I am here to inspire you. Between projects from my workshop, tabletop roleplaying and fantasy cooking, I am sure there is something here for you. Not to mention the mildly inconvenient cult that has taken an interest in what I do.


Be Inspired with Dominic

Both home to my projects as well as most of the infamous (and mildly inconvenient) Cult's shenanigans.

Jabbado's Kitchen

Fantasy cooking for a more immersive (roleplaying) experience!

In the Spire

The Cult's podcast. Don't know the Cult? Start here and watch more of my videos over on Be Inspired with Dominic!

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