Power Word Stun is another Power Word spell from D&D 5e, and it sure is an interesting one. There are three official power word spells (that I am aware of at the time of writing). The idea is that you utter a word from a forgotten primordial tongue that in itself has the power to affect reality – and your target.
Now, what if you already sunk a lot of time into vocal exercises to be able to utter an otherworldly sound not meant for humanoid throats? Would you leave it at that? No, I expect you would experiment a little and possibly find other words in that lost tongue that also hold power.

Power Words derived from Stun
Here is another selection of less serious
power words that might or might not make sense. They have a save where the original ones do not, and most conditions do not have a time limit. I encourage you to see that as an opportunnity to get creative, not an instance where I missed something. Power word “Help Yourself”, I guess.
- Power Word Run
The target must make a Constitution saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target is suddenly compelled to run the show. They begin giving orders to anyone they feel could perform better. They also issue insults at those they think are not not contributing at all. In addition, they lose the ability to distinguish between personal goals and group goals.
On a success, the target adopts a laisse faire attitude and just runs with whatever their colleagues are planning or doing. - Power Word Fun
The target must make a Charisma saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target begins to involuntarily poke fun at everything and everyone they see, even (or especially) in dire situations. If they rile someone up in the process, they will make extra fun of how they are unable to take a joke. Also, the target loses their ability to take a joke. Like, at all.
On a success, the target is mildly compelled to look for those tiny moments in which they can have fun without being an a-hole about it. Side-effects can include trying to help others to have fun as well. - Power Word Pun
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target is overpowered by an irresistable, all-encompassing need, an urge even, to make as many puns as they can come up with, not even shying away from the cringiest ones. This explicitly includes using “purge” as short for “pun urge”. They also hinge their self-worth on the number of eye rolls they get per hour, striving for a decent 42.
On a success, the character’s ability to think of puns is dramatically increased, but they feel under no obligation whatsoever to share them with the world. Side effects include a permanent grin. - Power Word Shun
The target must make an Intelligence saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the character feels compelled to shun their group, whether that is an adventuring party, their family, or their tribe, for the stated purpose of “no reason but the one they already know”. This extends to small talk and social gatherings, but does not cover saving the world and generally dangerous events better experienced in groups.
On a success, the target begins to shun no danger, pushing themselves further and further when it comes to things they believe they can achieve. Side effects include leaving one’s comfort zone and conquering new highs. Or lows. - Power Word Sun
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the character’s felt light sensitivity goes through the roof, proverbially speaking. Any source of light becomes a source of irritation. Candles are a minor nuisance, whereas the sun becomes unbearable. Wearing dark clothes has been known to alleviate the effect, while brooding in a meanigful, deep way keeps the condition from getting worse. There are no actual harmful effects.
On a success, the character is taken by a bright mood, possibly reflecting in their eyes. A bushy tail is optional, but the power word usually has a similar effect. If the target does not have a tail, who knows where fur might sprout to satisfy this condition. - Power Word Hun
The target must make a Charisma saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target is overcome by the need to do whatever it is the person most important to them in life wants them to do, from small things like fetching them a cup of something hot up to and including renovating or, if necessary, building a home.
On a success, the person cannot contain their fascination and love for everything to do with bees. They will drag anyone who gives the slightest indication of interest into an in-depth conversation about why bees are underrated and so interesting. They will also invite those they think the bees might like over for dinner. Not keeping bees is an al to common yet inexcusable flaw that needs to be fixed. - Power Word Gun
The target must make an Intelligence saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target feels the dire need to save the world by doing that one daring and nigh-impossible thing everyone warned them not to do, or that they imagine everyone would warn them not to do. For that reason, they will also do it only when everyone is least execting it, just to be safe.
On a success, the target will do something that the group planned, but before they were supposed to, possibly throwing a wrench into their plans or, depending on the situation, making it go easier or smoother. - Power Word Gone
The target must make an Intelligence saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the target is overcome by the strong desire to just leave everything behind, and to abandon everything they considered their duty, or a fun activity to parttake in. They will leave using the quickest route possible after a theatrical sigh, and only finding themselves slapped in the face or facing a dire need to save the world can stop them.
On a success, the target is beset by the nagging feeling that they forgot something important, that a thought escaped them. While they will think about this elusive idea often, they will learn to accept that whatever it was, it is now gone. - Power Word None
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against the speaker’s spell save DC.
On a fail, the creature feels the most recent things that happened to them slip away, not in terms of memory, but in terms of experience. Whatever they learned from these moments is taken, leaving them none the wiser.
On a success, the target begins to feel that whatever is going on right now is none of their business. They will help their friends, but beyond that, they do not care one way or another.
Thank you for checking out my stuff, which in this case is not entirely serious. Still, I would love to hear about how you might have use for these Power Words, or how they inspired you in your game. Don’t forget to take a look at the Power Word Variations for Kill and for Pain, and check out my other Roleplaying Inspiration, and remember to Be Inspired!