Category: How-Tos

In this category of how-tos, you will find articles about the nature and use of gaming aids in general and those made from paper in particular.

Why do I need How-Tos for Paper Models?

Several reasons. Obviously, they need to be built. I have said it before and I will again, these models and miniatures are easy to make, but it does not hurt to know how. They mostly come with instructions (I know all of mine do), but there are still different techniques and approaches that you might want to read up about.

Secondly, the idea behind all this is to be inspired, and there are certainly more and less traditional ways to use any given piece. You can modify paper miniatures easily, and there are a number of ways to go about that, too.

Paper scenery also comes with an obvious way to use, but there is always so much more, and it cannot hurt to hear about some others ideas. In turn, maybe you can come up with a use no one has thought about before. In that case, I hope you let me know so that I can share it!

phylactery burning

Phylactery Pyrotechnics

The Lich is a pretty iconic undead villain for tabletop roleplaying games, and they come with a mechanic that adds another layer of danger to them – their phylactery, or soul anchor. A box that. with the right kind of wrong magic, helps them to defy death and return even

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Pyrotechnics at the Table – Should I even post this?

I have pondered long and hard about whether I should actually write this post. I myself have used pyrotechnics at the table a number of times without issues. But when is fire involved there is also a danger. And I do not want to be responsible if anyone burns their

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Benefits of using Paper Models

It will not come as a surprise to you that I am a big advocate of using paper models in your game. The good news is that there is nothing lost by trying something new. We have used plastic miniatures at our table for ages, side by side to paper

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isometric tree

Isometric Cheat Sheet – Plant a Tree in SVG

Isometric views are a good way to represent something in a 3D fashion, especially if the object in question is actually flat or 2D. Creating a top-down or side view using vector graphics is not that hard. Creating isometric views, i.e. pretend you are looking at the scene from above

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How to Build Paper Models – a Beginner’s Guide

So you want to build paper models. Good choice. In this article, I will go through all the tools you need (there are not many) and the basic techniques used for building paper models, at least in the roleplaying realm. If you do not want to build paper models, check

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You should use Visual Aids in your Roleplaying Games

If you still think that the best place to have a roleplaying encounter is inside your head then I will wholeheartedly agree. Nothing can beat a good imagination when it comes to special effects and getting even the most minute detail just right. So what arguments can be made for

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Simple LED Setup – LED there be Light

This is something I recently cobbled together for my group, and maybe you can make use of the idea as well. For us, it all started with a mysterious ship from which emanated an eery blue light. I had the miniature already picked (a ghost beholder, but don’t nail me

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